Friday, January 15, 2010

Would you believe we had a little snow in Florida?

I went to visit my daughter today and on the way a few snowflakes floated down and disappeared on my windshield.  When I got to my daughter's house she showed me photographs of her yeard dusted in a light snow.  The kids collected it in a bucket and made a miniature snowman about one foot high. LOL

I tried out my new macro lens on him.


He is only about one foot tall. :)


  1. Awwww so cute! Wow I bet they enjoyed having a bit of snow!

  2. So cute Carol! I bet the kids had fun making him!

  3. Thanks, Pam. We could not believe it had snowed.:)

  4. ROFLOL - too cute! I can't believe they got enough snow to make a foot tall snowman! lol! We never got that much snow in Phoenix =p

  5. That is great, funny we had snow one day and never did get enough to make a snowman here. How are the oranges and other fruits doing in the cold? Are we going to pay higher prices because of lost crops?

  6. As far as I is okay here as far as the crops. You did notice that is a one foot tall one. Not a lot of snow.LOL
