Thursday, June 18, 2009

Another Poem to Share

Minnesota Ties

Carole Shukle

Copyright 1996

Stately sunflowers stand

like golden-haired women

gathered to gossip. Yellow

heads bob in the breeze,

as a myriad of eyes

reflect my saucy mood.

Proudladies stand straight-backed

offering me looking-glass smiles.

Grand sunflowers surround me

like concerned sisters. Bonneted

faces lower black eyes,

as I sit in tears. Their

elegance lifts my spirit.

Soft whispers soothe,

and leafy-green arms

caress my anguished soul.

Time waltzes a quick slow dance,

and images of the yellow ladies

remain etched in my mind. I dream

of sitting in saffron fields

to watch them throw back

their burnished curls

to laugh a thousand laughs

for my good fortune.

*Published in American Poets and Poetry, Volume 1, No. 8, January, 1998.

*Published in Novel Approach E-zine, October, 1998.

*Published in Florida Poets Association, Anthology Sixteen, November, 1998.

*Published in WordWrights!, Spring Issue for 1999.

I wrote this poem after having broken up with a boyfriend, but by the time I had written it, I met and married my husband. :)

***Please excuse the credits. It is a courtesy to the publications who published my poems.

Don't miss our next Treasure Hunt on June 22 (Monday).

Correction: Treasure Hunt for July will be July 6th(first Monday).