Friday, September 11, 2009

A Couple of Things.......

The Eyes Have It Treasure Hunt.

Come and check out our photos and art work on Monday for a chance to win one or more free ACEOS. Rules will be posted on Monday.

9-11 Tribute

I would also like to mention 9-11 at this time. It is hard to believe that 8 years have passed so quickly. I remember crying for days after it happened. I think of all of those lives cut short by such a horrific happening. My granddaughter is only five now. Someday I will talk to her about 9-11. I will never forget! God Bless their souls and God Bless their families.

Your Children and Grandchildren

Today a sexual predator was captured and arrested inside the school where my granddaugther attends school. Talk about giving you something to think about. This guy was impersonating a Federal Drug Enforcement Officer.

Please, please, take the time to take your children and grandchildren aside and remind them never to talk to a stranger. Remind them that sometimes people of police are not who they say they are. Tell them to be wary of stories like....your Mom is in the hospital and she wants to see me, so come with me so I can take you to the hospital.

Thank God this guy was caught.


  1. That is so scary, I did ask my son earlier this week if anyone had talked about stranger danger to my granddaughter Sayde, she started Kindergarten yesterday.

  2. Carole - All those lives lost, I will never forget.

    Wow that is scary, I am so glad he was caught.
